As the seasons shift, so does the occurrence of illnesses spreading in the workplace. Cold and flu seasons become prime times for germs to take over, which ultimately impacts your employees’ health, attendance and productivity. Maintaining a clean and disinfected workspace isn’t just about appearance; it is a proactive measure every workplace should take to prevent the frequent spread of illness and infections. In fact, as shared by WebMD, a study found that a typical office desk has over 10 million bacteria, 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat.
In this blog, our commercial cleaning experts share how simple cleaning measures can significantly reduce illness rates within your organization and keep your workplace thriving year-round.
How Illness Spreads in the Workplace
Germs and viruses are known for spreading rapidly, and an unclean workplace is an ideal environment for them to thrive and multiply. Offices, schools, retail spaces, and other commercial environments have many people coming and going and sharing spaces, which creates ample opportunities for pathogens to move from person to person.
Tips For Safe Disinfectant Use Between Cleanings
Preventing the Spread of Illness
High-touch areas, in particular, are germ hotspots and are often responsible for the spread of viruses that cause colds and flu. These areas include objects and surfaces frequently touched by numerous people, making them prime locations for the spread of illness.
Some common high-touch areas in commercial settings are:
- Doorknobs: Every person entering or exiting a room touches these surfaces, often without thinking about the germs they might be leaving behind or picking up.
- Light Switches: Frequently used by multiple people, light switches are rarely cleaned as regularly as they should be.
- Elevator Buttons: In buildings with multiple levels, elevator buttons are touched by almost everyone, making them a major source of germs.
- Desks and Workstations: Personal and shared workspaces can harbor an alarming number of germs, especially on items like keyboards, printers and phones.
- Restrooms: Restrooms require meticulous cleaning to prevent the spread of pathogens on faucets, toilet handles, and paper towel dispensers.
- Common Areas: Shared spaces such as break rooms, kitchens, and conference rooms often have shared equipment and surfaces, such as coffee machines, refrigerators, microwaves, and tables.
- Reception Areas: The reception desk surface, waiting area chairs, and shared pens are touched constantly by visitors and employees alike.
Regularly cleaning these high-touch areas can help prevent the spread of germs and illness.
Find out more about: The Most Common Germ Hotspots In Office Buildings
How Professional Commercial Cleaning Services Help
Although your employees may be expected to pick up after themselves and keep their workspaces tidy, regularly scheduled cleaning from a team of professionals is imperative to keeping your company clean and illnesses at bay. Hiring a professional commercial cleaning company, such as ROC Commercial Cleaning, brings expertise and experience that is missing when relying on your own staff. Our trained professionals have specialized tools and equipment for thorough cleaning and sanitizing. When you work with a professional commercial cleaner, you can customize a cleaning plan tailored to meet your business’s specific needs, ensuring a high level of cleanliness and hygiene.
Related Read: How To Choose The Right Commercial Cleaning Company
ROC Commercial Cleaning is your trusted Minneapolis commercial cleaning company. We provide janitor services for office buildings, medical and veterinary clinics, industrial buildings, and more. We also provide floor stripping and waxing, construction cleanup, and office disinfection services. ROC Commercial Cleaning is an experienced and reputable Minnesota corporate cleaning service provider – no job is too big or too small!
Get off the cleaning rollercoaster. Contact ROC Commercial Cleaning at 612-581-2776 for your free, no-obligation estimate.